Cleaning Your RV
Regular cleaning and maintenance will ensure the longevity of your vehicle. Although your vehicle may appear similar to an average home, please note that some household chemicals may damage different components used in the manufacture of your RV.

Regular cleaning and maintenance will ensure the longevity of your vehicle. Although your vehicle may appear similar to an average home, please note that some household chemicals may damage different components used in the manufacture of your RV. Do not use abrasive cleaning fluids or abrasive cloths of any description on the interior or exterior of your vehicle. A non-abrasive cloth with warm water is recommended.
The exterior surface of your RV is finished with a fibreglass component compound that is heat resistant and a protective shell for the interior construction of your vehicle. To maintain the manufactures finish, regular cleaning is recommended. Built up foreign residue such as insects, tar, dirt & mud etc. may damage the protective coating and be detrimental to the appearance of the vehicle. Avoid using industrial strength detergents for the exterior of the vehicle.
It is recommended a soapy water solution with a soft mop or sponge be used to remove any excess residue. When washing the vehicle take care not to spray high-pressure hoses directly on to the decals or on to seals.
Caution: High pressure washers can cause damage to seals and joins. You should not hose directly at seals and should hold the nozzle at least 1.5 metres away from the surface you are washing.
If you want to give the fibreglass exterior a polish then we recommend using a good quality marine/boat polish.
The roof of your RV has been manufactured using a timber and foam composite with an external fibreglass coating. If any damage occurs to the roof area (damaged or peeling sealants around the vents, air- conditioner, roof seams etc) ensure it is repaired immediately. Delaying these repairs may allow water leakage and result in damage to interior ceiling and body panels, upholstery etc. If a leak appears ensure it is repaired immediately to avoid any subsequent damage that may not be covered under warranty. Water leaks must be notified to your selling dealer within 7 days of any water leak being noticed.
Your vehicle has been finished with a coating to waterproof and protect the undercarriage of your vehicle. The fibreglass ensures durability and prevents foreign objects and excess build-up of mud and foreign particles that may encourage deterioration of your vehicle. The undercarriage should be cleaned by flushing any build up with water on a regular basis.
Interior Upholstery
To minimise upholstery fading and colour changes avoid excessive sunlight on your upholstery. This can be achieved by ensuring that sun blinds or curtains are closed when leaving your vehicle for extended periods of time.
Remove dust and loose dirt with a broom or vacuum. Remove fresh spills or spots immediately and use a mild soap and water solution if necessary. If fabric cleaner is used ensure you follow directions and cautions provided with the cleaner. Household cleaners should not be used as they may stain or discolour the fabric.
Regular care needs to be taken to ensure the leather in your vehicle maintains its optimum condition. To clean your leather, wipe gently with a warm damp cloth. If required a leather cleaner and conditioner can be used. If specific cleaner or conditioner is used ensure you follow directions and cautions provided with the cleaner.
Floor - (Linoleum)
The floor of your vehicle has been professionally polished with an industrial floor polish. To ensure the floor remains in the best possible condition it should be swept regularly and clean of articles that may pierce and scratch the surface. Wash the floor with a weak solution of warm soapy water to avid removing the industrial polish finish.
Floor - (Carpet)
The carpet in your RV should be regularly cleaned with a vacuum cleaner to ensure the carpet remains in the best possible condition. If required, carpet can be steam cleaned to remove stubborn stains or dirt build-up. It is important to ensure the carpet is not stored damp or wet to prevent the risk of mould or mildew.
Interior Fittings
Shower fittings, fridge handles, basins, laminates, taps etc. are sensitive to abrasive and harsh cleaning products and should be cleaned with a warm damp cloth and mild soapy water solution.
Stainless Steel
Stainless steel can be prone to scratches, all stainless steel fittings should be cleaned with soapy water and a non-abrasive cloth. Wipe excess water away with dry cloth to prevent streaks from forming.